Cacti not showing graph images

I was configuring a new server to serve Cacti recently and found that the graphs were not showing. After much troubleshooting and configurations changes, I found out that it was due to disabled functions in the PHP. Solutions Check if popen is inside the PHP disabled_functions settings. Remove it if it is.   Extra Descriptions … Read more

CyberPanel SSL renewal failure – Workaround Solution

Recently upgraded my CyberPanel to version 2.3.2 and found that my accounts’ SSL renewal starts to fail. I checked the logs and found that there is a process that checks the acme-challenge folder for a static file before able to renew the SSL. Before this, it was randomly generated files for verification purpose. This is … Read more

HeidiSQL Default Query Tab Reset

HeidiSQL is a great tool to manage MySQL and other supported databases. One useful feature it has is to remember last commands used. I love this feature, however, each time I moved on to another project, the previous command will be there. It has never bothered me but somehow, I just have to know how … Read more

Convert SSL Cert – p7b to pfx

If you have your SSL certificate in p7b format and need to convert to pfx format, you’ll need 3 files. The private key you get when generating your CSR The p7b certificate file The rootca bundle file Use the following command to generate your pfx certificate. openssl pkcs12 -export -in p7bcert.crt -inkey private.key -out outfile.pfx … Read more

Unable to send scripted mails through Office 365 SMTP

Recently we received complaints from our programmers saying their codes to send emails via were failing due to login failure. We checked and found that the issue is due to the introduction of Security Defaults in Azure security to block legacy authentication methods. As a quick solution, we resorted to turning off the securiy … Read more

Error creating winpty

I’ve recently upgraded my Microsoft Windows 10 to version 1909. The first issue I experience when I wanted to resume my programming tasks were “php artisan serve” encountered the following error. Error creating winpty: ConnectNamedPipe failed: Windows error 232 Based on my research, it was due to antivirus blocking winpty. I was using Git Bash … Read more

Gmail “All Mail” IMAP folder missing in Microsoft Outlook

I’ve upgraded my Microsoft Outlook to Microsoft Outlook 2016/365 and added IMAP connection to my Gmail account. I was expecting that all IMAP folders to be listed as per my older Outlook. Unfortunately I found that all folders were available except the All Mail folder. This folder will list all emails available in my Gmail … Read more