$BASH_VERSION is not set


Sometimes, in Ubuntu, user created will not get the correct shell, particularly will be /bin/sh shell. This /bin/sh shell is limited and will not be able to use the .bashrc configurations. In order to fix this, reset the user’s shell to /bin/bash by running the following command via root user. For future new user, you … Read more

CyberPanel SSL renewal failure – Workaround Solution


Recently upgraded my CyberPanel to version 2.3.2 and found that my accounts’ SSL renewal starts to fail. I checked the logs and found that there is a process that checks the acme-challenge folder for a static file before able to renew the SSL. Before this, it was randomly generated files for verification purpose. This is … Read more

HeidiSQL Default Query Tab Reset


HeidiSQL is a great tool to manage MySQL and other supported databases. One useful feature it has is to remember last commands used. I love this feature, however, each time I moved on to another project, the previous command will be there. It has never bothered me but somehow, I just have to know how … Read more

Convert SSL Cert – p7b to pfx


If you have your SSL certificate in p7b format and need to convert to pfx format, you’ll need 3 files. The private key you get when generating your CSR The p7b certificate file The rootca bundle file Use the following command to generate your pfx certificate. openssl pkcs12 -export -in p7bcert.crt -inkey private.key -out outfile.pfx … Read more