WordPress: Missing temporary folder


When encountering this error “Missing temporary folder” in WordPress and if CageFS is enabled for user in cPanel WHM on CloudLinux, reset CageFS for the user. cagefsctl –disable $USERcagefsctl –enable $USER Where $USER is the username of the account Ref: https://support.cpanel.net/hc/en-us/articles/360052910573-WordPress-reports-Missing-a-temporary-folder-when-uploading-images Similar errors “Server Error 400 Bad Request”, “Elementor update error”

Resize root LVM partition on CentOS


I installed my server using the default partition sizes recommended during installation. Over time, I realized that I used more space of other partitions than /home. After much searching around, this is what I did to get my server’s partition resized. “WARNING! THE FOLLOWING STEPS MAY CAUSE DAMAGED TO YOUR PARTITION AND IRRECOVERABLE DATA LOSS. … Read more